Congressional "Meet & Greet" 2019

Congressional "Meet & Greet" 2019

Our recent annual DC lobbying trip (May 15-17) was exceptional, and all NYSALC Officers and Executive Board members, LCCLs, and all NYSALC Branches are to be commended for their help in ensuring our success. Due to a late vote in the House, we entertained 2 Representatives at a“Meet and Greet” at Hutchings Hall in the NALC building…Both provided resounding support for all of our positions and showed how truly effective our program has been on both sides of the aisle….We now have 26 of 27 Reps. as cosponsors on most of the House Resolutions, and 19 on HR 2382 so far..The event was pre-empted with our traditional Rap Session, where President Rolando gave us an up-to-date briefing on contractual issues, political strategies, and also fielded questions. The morning briefing with Kori Blalock Keller was exceptional and our LCCLs were well prepared for their lobbying efforts on the Hill ..Group meetings with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer , and Jessica Hernandez from Senator Gillibrand’s office, provided solid support for our all of our issues. The entire event was well attended (90 members, President Rolando, members of the Executive Board, and our Legislative Department) and totally enjoyed by everyone.